Lessons for beginners, either genre based or more theoretical.
Easy Solo Lesson #1
New series of beginner guitar solos with full tab displayed on screen. This one is to be played over my D major country backing track.
Easy Solo Lesson #2
Easy solo 2. This one looks at a 36 bar blues solo over a rhumba feel backing track moving between minor pentatonic pattern 1 and the BB Box!
Top 40 Easy Guitar Songs - Part 1: 3 Chords or Less
Part 1 of a 4 part series looking at my choice of the top 40 easy guitar songs for beginners. Part 1 looks at 10 songs featuring 3 chords or less.
Easy Solo Lesson #4
Simple slide guitar lesson following the vocal melody of Jeff Buckley's version of Hallelujah. In standard tuning.
3 Different Ways To Play A Blues Shuffle
Beginner blues rhythm guitar lesson covering the basic 12 bar structure and 3 different ways to play it.
Easy Solo Lesson #3
Easy solo 3! Well maybe not that easy but for a jazz solo it is fairly straightforward. This solo uses the major solo and arpeggio shapes over a 2-5-1 progression.