Blues Rhythm
For a form of music that primarily uses just 3 chords there are a lot of different ways to play them. This page takes a look at some of them.
Funky Blues Rhythm - Add New Chord Voicings To Your Blues
This lesson teaches a cool funk style blues progression and discusses ways to add new voicings to your blues rhythm playing.
Top 5 Classic Blues Riffs
5 all-time classic blues riffs that every aspiring blues guitarist should know. With onscreen tablature.
Blues Rhumba Rhythm
Inspired by a video of some modern blues greats jamming at the one of the NAMM shows this video looks at playing a blues rhumba rhythm.
Cream - Politician
Using Cream's Politician as inspiration this is a great lesson for practising alternating lead and rhythm playing at the same time.
Blues Boogie Style Rhythm
Good lesson for beginners looking at playing a boogie style blues guitar riff.
Early Fleetwood Mac Style Blues
Loosely based off Peter Green's Rattlesnake Shake, this driving blues/rock rhythm is great to play and incorporates using octaves and rhythm fills.
Born Under A Bad Sign Style Blues Rhythm
Inspired by Albert King's epic Born Under A Bad Sign, this lesson takes the basic rhythm concept and turns it into a more traditional 12 bar structure.